Hi! We’re Joel & Emily from Tallahassee, Florida!

Thank you for taking the time to view our profile. We are humbled and grateful that you are spending the time to get to know us. We hope this helps provide you with a glimpse of who we are and what our life together looks like. We hope you’ll see that for us, faith, family, friends, and fun are central to our lives, and we can’t wait to share that with a little one!

While you don’t know us yet, we have been praying for you and your baby for a while now. No doubt you have a lot of nerves about this process—we do too. You want what is best for your precious baby—we do too, whether with you, with us, or with another great waiting family. We know that you are an incredibly courageous woman, and we are so excited to share a bit of our lives with you here!

About Us

Our Life Together

Our story as a couple began when we met 11 years ago while in college at FSU, and we still say that was the best thing to ever happen to us! After 4 years of dating, we got engaged and were married in 2014, and we could not be more thankful for our marriage. We are best friends, travel buddies, and partners in everything we do. Spending time together is still our favorite thing to do, and we can still make each other laugh until we cry. Along with our Christian faith, our love and relationship is central to our lives, and we know it will be the best foundation as we start our family! We are beyond ready to share our home and love with a little one. They will be so loved and supported by both us and a huge network of friends, aunts, uncles, and grandparents that we are blessed to have in our lives!

Our story has kept us in Tallahassee to work and live, and we absolutely love living in the Florida sunshine with our black lab, Skipper! We enjoy long walks around our neighborhood, which is home to beautiful parks and playgrounds, churches, great schools, and lots of nearby shops and restaurants. Most weekends you can find us spending time with our friends and their kiddos, visiting with family, and attending church. In our free time, we love hosting BBQs, enjoying a day at the beach, kayaking, watching the latest Hollywood blockbuster, reading, or catching up on TV series on Netflix. We also love adventure and exploring new places, learning about new cultures, and meeting new people! Each year, we make it a priority to travel somewhere new. There is so much to see, do, and learn in this world, and we can’t wait to share that with a child!

Learn More About Us

Fun Facts etc.

These Are a Few of Our Favorite Things

  • Faith – As Christians, our faith is very important to us, and we look forward to sharing it as a family! From church on Sunday to small groups, daily devotionals, and prayer, God is central to our lives. We make celebrating holidays like Easter and Christmas very special, and we love our traditions! Most importantly, we try to love like Jesus and treat every single person we meet with kindness, acceptance, and dignity. We want God’s love to shine through us and impact the world in the best way!
  • Family and Friends – We are blessed with close knit families and lot of friends! While our families live in different cities, time together is a huge priority to us! We love spending the holidays with our parents and siblings, taking summer trips together, and catching up often. We also see our friends (and their adorable kiddos!) weekly for game nights, dinner, book clubs, and all sorts of fun things. We also travel together, babysit for them, and just have the best time doing life together! We are so thankful for such an extensive network of support!
  • Travel – We have swam in the waterfalls of Puerto Rico, hiked (and seen a bear!) in the Great Smoky Mountains, climbed a pyramid in Mexico, ridden every ride at Walt Disney World, and tasted fresh olive oil on a farm in Italy. We love experiencing new places and think travel is a great way to learn! We can’t wait to adventure with a little one in tow!
  • The Arts – We love attending concerts, visiting museums, laughing at comedy clubs, and seeing Broadway shows. From music to paintings to plays, we feel it is a great way to spend our time and enrich our lives!
  • Food – There is nothing better than a good meal shared with friends! We love to cook and have taken quite a few cooking classes! We also love to try new local restaurants both in town and when we visit other cities. We believe food is a great way to learn about other cultures and connect with people!
  • Funny TV Shows – There is nothing better after a long day of work than curling up with each other and catching a show before bed! We love to laugh together and enjoy watching sit coms like The Office, Parks and Rec, 30 Rock, and Modern Family, to name a few!

A Few of Our Favorite Snapshots….

In Closing

Thank You!

We know you have a huge decision on your hands, and we can’t thank you enough for taking the time to get to know about us. We are so thankful our paths have crossed, and even though we know you can’t possibly know everything about us through a screen, we hope you got a glimpse into our life full of love, faith, fun, family, and friends that we are so very eager to share with a little one. We promise that we would provide your child a stable, loving home, full of laughter and support. We would raise your child to love God, love others, and to know they can be anything they want to be. We promise to devote our lives to giving your child all the joy, love, and opportunities we can. We will choose your child every single day, above all else. We will advocate for them. Learn from them. Teach them. Introduce them to the world. Encourage them. Respect them. Love them with a fierce, forever love. We promise they will have a network of family and friends around them doing the same. We will raise this child to know where they came from and to have a deep appreciation for your love and sacrifice. Above all, we vow to love this child, and you, with an unconditional love for all of our lives. Again, thank you, from the bottom of our hearts.

Joel & Emily