At this time, there is not a standard process or format for Domestic Adoption Home Studies. Individual States set the minimum requirements for Home Studies. It is difficult to fully understand the process, and most people searching for information on adoption, do not fully understand the process. To better understand Home Studies, it is important to know who regulates them, who is authorized to write them, and why they can be so different.


Home Studies must comply with State Statutes and State Child Welfare Departments.


State Child Welfare Departments license Child Placing Agencies. These agencies are required to maintain compliance with all Rules Regulations and Administrative Practices. Licensed Child Placing agencies are reviewed by these Departments annually (at a minimum). During these compliance reviews the Agencies Files are inspected in great detail to confirm all laws, rules, regulations, and administrative polices are followed precisely.

Some states allow independent Licensed Mental Health Professionals to complete Home Studies. These independent Home Studies are not reviewed by the Child Welfare Departments for compliance.


While there are minimum requirements, Federal and State Laws do not outline a standardized process for conducting Domestic Adoption Home Studies. Child Welfare Professionals and Federal Lawmakers are aware of the benefits of standardizing the process for evaluating prospective adoptive parents, and are exploring ways to develop evidence-based research on how to standardize Home Studies.


Children need more than love to thrive. Not every person that wants to adopt has the capacity to meet the unique needs of an adopted child. It is imperative that all Home Study professionals have the ability to properly evaluate, educate and report each hopeful adoptive parent’s limitations and ability to meet specific needs.

Adoption Home Study

Your home study provides an accurate portrayal of your family life, past and present.

Adoption Authority is able to start and complete your home study in a timely manner. We are willing to work around your schedule and we will begin processing your application immediately upon receipt.

It is our desire at Adoption Authority to make your Home Study smooth and seamless. We want to take the worry out of this part of your adoption!  We are here to guide you through the process and are always available for questions.

You will receive caring and friendly home study visits and services. We can provide you with a report that is tailored to your specific adoption needs. We are constantly educating ourselves on the changes in Domestic adoption laws so that we are better able to provide you with information that is accurate. We can also work directly with other placing agencies, to ensure that all requirements are fulfilled in your home study report.

Already Have a Home Study?

  • Application Fee and Home Study Review $1,000

Adoption Home Study Fees:

  • Florida Home Study $2,100

    (includes up to 3 post placement visits)

  • Georgia Home Study $2,400

    (includes up to 3 post placement visits)

  • Application Fee is waved when Adoption Authority prepares your home study.