You are not alone! We are here to help!

More than half of all pregnancies are Unplanned. Many women experience an emotional crisis due to the overwhelming stress associated with an unplanned pregnancy. Research is clear that stress impacts decision-making. This emotional crisis makes you and your child extremely vulnerable to outside pressure.

Every woman contemplating adoption for her child deserves hands-on services, information, resources and the support necessary to stabilize before engaging in an adoption plan. While our name is Adoption Authority, the majority of women we work with choose to parent their child after engaging in our Parent Stability Program.

Parent Stability Program

Parents considering adoption are encouraged to engage in our Parent Stability Program, before making an adoption plan. This unique program empowers you to slow down, process information, consider your options, and find clarity. Parents who engage in this program are guided through an easy and effective process of moving from crisis to clarity.


If you decide adoption is the right path for you and your child, we will help you through every step of the process. We will provide you with honest and accurate information and support. We will make sure you understand your legal rights. All of our adoptive families are committed to having a true open adoption, which includes in-person visits with you and your child.

Every adoption is unique. You deserve COMPASSION, RESPECT and LOVING CARE throughout your journey.


There is much to consider when deciding to place your child for adoption. We understand the urgency you feel, which is why our staff is available to answer your questions 24/7.

We strive to personalize every adoption. We care about you. You are not alone, we are here to help.

Did You Know…

All services are provided at no cost to you.

  • We cover the cost of counseling sessions with licensed mental health professionals before and after placing your child for adoption.
  • There is no need to select an adoptive family before giving birth. Some women feel an urgent need to find an adoptive family, but pre-birth matching is not necessary.
  • There are many more waiting adoptive families than those on our website. We will help you find a family that meets all of your expectations.
  • You may feel differently in the future. No matter what level of contact you decide you want with the adoptive family, we will only present families that will leave the door open for future contact and visits.
  • You aren’t expected to navigate your adoption alone. We provide life-long services after placement.
  • You may hear people say “give up baby for adoption”, or “put baby up for adoption”; what you are considering is in no way giving up!

Expectant parents text or call 904-236-6776 to chat with an Expectant Mother Advocate 24/7!