Hi there, we are Matt and Abby!

We are Matt and Abby and we want to thank you for taking the time to learn more about our family and consider us as you make this difficult decision. We hope this profile will give you insight into the love we have for each other, our son and our families. We are excited to become parents again, for our son to have a sibling and to welcome another child into our home and family.

We want you to know that we value open adoption. We are flexible on the degree of openness and would love to hear your ideas and discuss this topic with you. Your child will always know their adoption story and about their gracious birth parents, who love them dearly and selflessly blessed our family. In all aspects of our life, we feel like communication, honesty and a positive approach are important.

We want you to know how much respect, love and appreciation we already feel for you. We cannot imagine what a difficult decision this is for you, and we wish you the best and peace during this time and always. We know you want what is best for your child, and we would love to meet you and learn more about you and your hopes and dreams for your child.

Matt & Abby

“We believe in the saying that family isn’t just made from blood, it’s made from love.”

How We Met

It all started when the beautiful, big-city, Jesus loving, hard-working Abby was hosting a birthday party for one of her friends. Little did she know a balding, semi-thicc, inner-city school teacher named Matt, would be attending this party. Abby answered the door and Matt quickly realized this was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Assuming she was married with multiple bilingual children, Matt had to fight not to stare. Finding out she was single, Matt decided that this was the woman he would marry. Little did he know, Abby, in fact, did not feel the same. Not one to give up, Matt spent the next several months hanging out with Abby and her friends, and finally convinced Abby to go on a date. Matt made reservations at the best restaurant in the area and four months after this date they were engaged and eight months later they were married.

Our Story Today

Going on 8 years of marriage life grows sweeter every day. Matt continues to bald, and Abby continues to grow more beautiful inside and out. Matt is a pastor at a church, and Abby works at home taking care of Titus who is 4 years old. Life revolves around family, opening our home to our friends and neighbors, and spending most of our time outdoors.

Learn More About Us

Our Home and Family

Being together outside is a family favorite! We love the beach, hiking, and enjoy being active. We also enjoy visiting zoos, museums and aquariums.

Because life is busy and often tiring, we’ve worked hard at making our home a place of relaxation and comfort. We pride ourselves on being professional cuddlers!

We love making and eating good food, so we regularly cook and create yummy food together. Since we are originally from NC, we are picky when it comes to good BBQ and homemade biscuits.Titus and Matt enjoy Daddy Breakfast dates once a week. Their favorite meal together is waffles, bacon and eggs.

We LOVE Christmas! Every year we pick out a tree together and decorate it while watching a classic Christmas movie. We also get matching pajamas and make cookies together. Driving around town and drinking hot chocolate while seeing Christmas lights is a family favorite.

A Little About Matt:

I was born and raised in NC. My parents divorced when I was around one. Because of this, becoming the best father and husband I never had growing up motivates me to love my family well. I moved out at 17 and went to college. By God’s grace, I graduated and came to know Jesus and became a public school teacher. During that time, the Lord was calling me into ministry and opened up a full-ride scholarship to earn my graduate degree.Being a husband and father is the greatest joy of my life and adding children to our family would make me even happier. I love sports, cooking, weight lifting, music, and reading.

A Little About Abby:

I was raised in NC by a loving family. I have a sweet father and a loving Italian mother. As you can imagine, I frequently talk with my hands and I am good at making homemade spaghetti. I have an older sister and younger brother so yes, the middle child. I grew up loving animals and sports and played softball through college. After college, I worked in the special events industry and then for a cable TV network. I really enjoyed working outside the home, but once we had Titus and Matt was full time in ministry, I felt called to be a stay at home mom. I feel blessed to have this opportunity, and I don’t take it for granted. I love the water, being outdoors, reading, music, and good food!

A Few of Our Favorite Snapshots….

In Closing

We are honored that you took the time to browse through and consider us to adopt your child. The weight of this decision is a heavy one. We pray for your peace as you consider our family. Please know that not only are we praying for this child, but we are praying for you too. You mean a lot to us, and to choose us would bring unspeakable joy to our family.